
Swiss Scoliosis maintains smooth and seamless procedures and collaborates with the best possible partners to ensure minimum risk and maximum prospects of treatment success. The centre also provides a pleasant ambience and coordinates rehabilitation programmes to help any patients requiring surgical intervention to recover as swiftly as possible. And we offer our assistance in administrative matters regarding hospitals and health insurance issues.

Prof. Dr. med. Kan Min

Board certified in Orthopaedic Surgery

Spinal Surgery means taking responsibility for people’s movement and maintaining their quality of everyday life. This requires enormous trust and great expertise. During my 25 years of experience, of which I spent 18 as head of Spinal Surgery at the Orthopaedic University Hospital Balgrist in Zurich, I have performed more than 20.000 spinal operations, treating all spinal diseases.

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Gertraut Lindemann

Board certified in Neurology

Neurological problems concern the diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system.

A Good treatment requires good diagnosis beforehand. After my long-term cooperation with Prof. Min and paraplegic centre in Zurich, my focus is on the assessment of spinal diseases.

The specialization in neurophysiology is essential in exact localization of pathology and damage of the nerves or of spinal cord.

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Nadine Huynh


Yvonne Cassol


Doctors in training

Swiss Scoliosis is holding an official educational program status in categorie C for orthopaedics (1 year). Currently the following two medical specialists are preparing their next career steps:

– Ferdinand Erdlen, Resident for orthopedic surgery

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