Dear patients and referring physicians!

A warm welcome!

Spinal Surgery means taking responsibility for people’s movement and maintaining their quality of everyday life. This requires enormous trust and great expertise. During my 25 years of experience, of which I spent 18 as head of Spinal Surgery at the Orthopaedic University Hospital Balgrist in Zurich, I have performed more than 20.000 spinal operations, treating all spinal diseases.

My surgical activities focus on complex revision operations, corrections of deformities such as scolioses, kyphoses and tumor surgery, not only in adults but also in pediatric patients.

It is my concern to offer patients of all age groups competent treatment and personal careand to create the conditions for the best possible results using the latest medical knowledge and technical possibilities.

I am at your disposal for further questions.

Prof. Kan Min

2015 – to date
Head, Swiss Scoliosis, Centre for scoliosis and spinal surgery, Zurich (
Promotion to Professor of orthopedics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich
Assistant Professorship (Habilitation) with the collective publications: Developement of selective short segmental fusions in the surgical treatment of AIS`, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich
  • Head of Spinal Surgery, University Orthopedic Hospital, Balgrist, Zurich University
  • Consultant for Spinal Trauma, Dept. Traumatology, General Hospital Zurich, Zurich University
  • Consultant for Spinal Deformities, University Children`s Hospital
Swiss Board certification(FMH), orthopedics & traumatology
MD, University of Zurich, Switzerland
1992 -1996
Residency orthopedic surgery, Balgrist University Hospital, University of Zurich, Switzerland
1990 – 1992
Residency General Surgery Regional Hospital, Wolhusen, Switzerland
President, Swiss Spine Foundation, Zurich,
Swiss Scoliosis
Swiss Surgery
Hirslanden Klinik Im Park
Hirslanden Klinik Zurich
University Children’s Hospital Zurich
Private Clinic Bethanien Zurich
Medical Society of the Canton of Zurich
Swiss Society for Spinal Surgery (SGSS)
Swiss Orthopedics Society (SGOT)
Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) Swiss Medical Association (FMH)
1. Murat Yildiz, Gabor Matyas, Kerstin Wustmann, Christine Attenhofer Jost, Francesca Bonassin, Beatrice Früh, Kan Min, Petra Gehle, Giancarlo Bombardieri, Thierry Carrel, Florain Schönhoff:
Interdisziplinäre Betreuung von Menschen mit Marfan-Syndrom – Pharmakologie, Schwangerschaft, Auge, Skelett und organisatorische Aspekte. Z Herz-Thorax-Gefässchir, 35;232-241.2021
2. A. Curt, J. Hsieh, M. Schubert, M. Hupp, S. Friedl, P. Freund, E. Huber, D. Pfyffer, R. Sutter, C. Jutzeler, R.P. Wüthrich, K. Min, S. Casha, M.G. Fehlings, R Guzman: The damaged spinal cord is a suitable target for stem cell transplantation:
Neurorehabilitation and Neural repair, 2020
3. Murat Yildiz, Gabor Matyas, Kerstin Wustmann, Christine Attenhofer Jost, Francesca Bonassin, Beatrice Früh, Kan Min, Petra Gehle, Giancarlo Bombardieri, Thierry Carrel, Florain Schönhoff:
Interdiziplinäre Betreuung von Menschen mit Marfan-Syndrom, -Genetik, bildgebende Untersuchung und kardiovaskuläres System, Z Herz-Thorax-Gefässchir, 34;115-126 (2) 2020
4. Kan Min, Lucas Jud, Mazda Farshad:
Dual sequential short anterior correction of double major Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spinal deformity, 554-563 (6) (2018)
5. Antoniadis A, Ulrich NH, Schmid S, Farshad M, Min K:
Decompression surgery for lumbar spinal canal stenosis in octogenarians; a single center experience of 121 consecutive patient. Br J Neurosurg. Feb;31(1):67-71. 10.1080/02688697.2016.1233316 (2017)
6. Schmid SL, Wechsler C, Farshad M, Antoniadis A, Ulrich NH, Min K, Woernle CM:
Surgery for lumbar disc herniation: Analysis of 500 consecutive patients treated in an interdisciplinary spine center. J Clin Neurosci. May; 27:40-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2015.08.038 (2016)
7. Gaines RW, Min K, Zarzycki D:
“Bone-οn-Bone” surgical reconstruction of moderate severity, flexible single curve adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: continuing improvements of the technique and results in three scoliosis centers after almost twenty years of use. Scoliosis. Mar 24;10: doi: 10.1186/s13013-015-0032-0 (2015)
8. Christine Attenhofer-Jost, Marianne Rohrbach, Gabor Matyas, Florian Schoenhoff, Matthias Baumgartner, Angela Oxenius, Thierry Carrel, Michael Huebler, Kan Min, Gabriela de Pasquale, Oliver Kretschmar, Paul Vogt, Francesco Faletra, Matthias Greutmann: Marfan Syndrom, Swiss Medical Forum, May (2015)
9. T Fekete, C Woernle, AF Mannion, U Held, K Min, F Kleinstück, N Ulrich, D Haschtmann, HR Becker, F Porchet, R Theiler, J Steurer:
The effect ofspidural steroid injection on postoperative outcome in patients from the lumbal stenosis outcome study. Spine, April (2015)
10. Thorsten Haas, Nelly Spielmann, Tanja Restin, Burkhardt Seifert, Georg Henze, Joachim Obwegeser, Kan Min, Dezsoe Jeszenszky, Markus Weiss, Markus Schmugge:
Higher fibrinogen concentrations for reduction of transfusion requirements during major paediatric surgery: A prospective randomised controlled trial. Britsh Journal of Anaesthesia, Vol 115 (2), 234-243. August (2015)
11. Thorsten Haas, Nelly Spielmann, Tanja Restin, Burkhardt Seifert, Georg Henze, Joachim Obwegeser, Kan Min, Dezsoe Jeszenszky, Markus Weiss, Markus Schmugge:
Efficacy of maintaining higher fibrinogen levels for reduction of transfusion requirements during major paediatric surgery.A randomized, controlled clinical trial. Britsh Journal of Anaesthesia, Mar (2015), 1-10
12. Ulrich, K Min, A Curt:
High sensitivity of contact-heat evoked potentials in “snake-eye” appearance myelopathy. Clinical neurophysiology S1388- 2457(15)00007-3. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2014.12.020, PMID:25701427 (2015)
13. N Ulrich, F Kleinstück, Ch Woernle, A Antoniadis, S Winkelhofer, J Burgstaller, M Farshad, J Oberle, F Porchet, K Min:
Clinical outcome in lumbar decompression surgery for spinal canal stenosis in the aged population: a prospective Swiss multicenter cohort study, Spine 15;40(6):415-22 (2015)
14. Nadja Alexandra Farshad-Amacker, Thi Dan Linh Nguyen, Mazda Farshad, Gustav Andreisek, Kan Min, Thomas Frauenfelder:
Semiautomatic superimposition improves radiological assessment of curve flexibility in scoliosis, Eur Radiol. 25(3):860-4 (2015)
15. Rothenfluh DA, Müller DA, Rothenfluh E, Min K:
Pelvic Incidence-lumbar lordosis mismatch predisposes to adjacent segment disease after lumbar spine fusion. Eur Spine J. 24 (6), 1251-8 (2014)
16. Min K:
Skoliose beim Kind: Funktionserhaltende Chirurgie. Leading Opinions, Orthopädie und Rheumatologie, (1): 50-51 (2014)
17. Osterhoff G, Spirig J, Klasen J, Kuster SP, Zinkernagel AS, Sax H, Min K:
Perforation and Bacterial Contamination of Microscope Covers in Lumbar Spine Decompressive Surgery. Med Princ Pract. 23(4):302-6 (2014)
18. Farshad M; Gerber C, Laufer-Molnar V, Farshad-Amacker NA, Dietrich TJ, Min K:
Asymmetry of the multifidus muscle in lumbar radicular nerve compression, Skeletal Radiol. 43(1): 49-53 (2014)
19. Farshad M, Bode B, Min K:
Intraosseous Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor (IMT) of the Twelfth Thoracic Vertebra – Report of a rare case with histological diagnosis and surgical treatment, JBJS Case Connect 3: e46 (2013)
20. Leonardi M, Zanetti M, Min K:
The extent of decompression and incidence of postoperative epidural hematoma among different techniques of spinal decompression in degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis, Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques 26(8):407-14 (2013)
21. Anett Ulrich, Jenny Haefeli, Julia Blum, Kan Min, Armin Curt.
Improved diagnosis of spinal cord disorders with contact heat evoked potentials. Neurology 80(15): 1393-9 (2013)
22. M Farshad, K Min:
Abduction extension cervical nerve root stress test: Anatomical basis and clinical relevance. Eur Spine J. 22(7):1522-5 (2013)
23. Farshad M, Sdzudy C, Min K:
Late implant removal after posterior correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with pedicle screw instrumentation- a matched case control study with 10 year follow-up. Spine Deformity. 1: 68-71 (2013)
24. Min K, Sdzudy C, Farshad M:
Posterior correction of thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with pedicle screw instrumentation: results of 48 patients with a minimal 10 year follow up. Eur Spine J. 22 (2):345-354 (2013)
25. Rothenfluh DA, Neubauer G, Klasen J, Min K:
Analysis of internal construct validity of the SRS-24 questionnaire. Eur Spine J. 21(8):1590-5 (2012)
26. Min K, Haefeli M, F, Müller D, Klammer G, Hahn F:
Short anterior correction of thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with mini-thoracotomy: Radiological, clinical and lung function results. Eur Spine J. 21 Suppl 6: S765-7 (2012)
27. Min K, Liebscher T, Rothenfluh D:
Sacral dome resection and single stage posterior reduction in high grade high dysplastic spondylolisthesis. Eur Spine J. 21, Suppl 6: S785-91 (2012)
28. S.C. Blatter, K Min, H. Huber, LE. Ramseier:
Spontaneous reduction of spondylolisthesis during growth. J Pediatr Orthop B. 21(2): 160-163, (2012)
29. Min K, SdzudyCh, Farshad M:
Posterior correction of thoracic AIS with pedicle screw instrumentation. Clinical and radiological results of 50 patients with a 10-year follow-up. Swiss Medical Weekly, 2012:142, Supplement 193, June 16 (2012)
30. Farshad M, SdzudyCh, Min K:
Late implant removal after posterior correction of thoracic AIS with pedicle screw instrumentation- A matched case control study with 10-year follow-up. Swiss Medical Weekly, 2012:142, Supplement 193, June 16 (2012)
31. Farshad M, Gerber Ch, Min K:
MRI Changes of the multifidus muscle in lumbar radicular compression. Relation to severity and duration of compression and need for surgical decompression. Swiss Medical Weekly, 2012:142, Supplement 193, June 16 (2012)
32. Min K:
Ein Mädchen hat eine Skoliose. Was nun? Swiss Medical Forum 11(1) (2011)
33. C Bohtz, A Meyer-Heim, K Min:
Changes in Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL) after Spinal Fusion and Scoliosis Correction in Patients with Cerebral Palsy. J Pediatr Orthop. 31(6): 668-673 (2011)
34. Steurer J, Nydegger A, Held U, Brunner F, Hodler J, Porchet F, Mannion AF, Min K, Michel B, LumbSten:
The lumbar spinal stenosis outcome study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 11(1):254 (2010)
35. M Leonardi, M Zanetti, N Saupe, K Min:
Early postoperative MRI in detecting hematoma and dural compression after lumbar spinal decompression: prospective study of asymptomatic patients in comparison to patients requiring surgical revision. Eur Spine J. 19(12) 2216-22 (2010)
36. SWISS spine: the case of a governmentally required HTA-registry for total disc arthroplasty: results of cervical disc prostheses.
Schluessmann E, Aghayev E, Staub L, Moulin P, et al; SWISS spine Registry Group. Spine 35(24): E1397-405 (2010)
37. SWISS spine: a nationwide registry for health technology assessment of lumbar disc prostheses.,
Schluessmann E, Diel P, Aghayev E, Zweig T, Moulin P, et al; SWISS spine Registry Group. Eur Spine J. Jun;18(6):851-61 (2009)
38. Min K, Hahn F, Haefeli M, Klammer G:
Short anterior correction in thoracic AIS with mini-open thoracotomy: Radiologica, clinical and pulmonary function results. Swiss Medical Weekly 2009 (23-24) Supplement 173 (2009)
39. Ploumis A, Cho KJ, Min K:
Report Scoliosis Research Society Travelling Fellowship 2008. Spine Apr 15,34(8): 757-9 (2009)
40. Hahn F, Hauser D, Espinosa N, Min K:
Scoliosis correction with pedicle screws in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Eur Spine J. 17(2): 255-261 (2008)
41. Mathias Haefeli, Kan Min:
Idiopathic Scoliosis: In Spinal Disorders, Editors: N Boss, M Aebi, Chapter 23, 623-662. Springer-Verlag Berlin, (2008)
42. Blumenthal S, Min K, Borgeat A:
Effects of perioperative oral controlled-release oxycodone and postoperative intravenous morphine after lumbar discectomy. Anesth Analg.105 (1): 233-7 (2007)
43. Min K, Hahn F, Leonardi M:
Spinal osteotomy in ankylosing spondylitis: The significance of the whole body kyphosis angle. Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques 20(2): 149-53 (2007)
44. Min K, Hahn F, Ziebarth K:
The behavior of major and compensatory curves after short anterior fusion in King I adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Eur Spine J. 16(1): 65-72 (2007)
45. Blumenthal S, Nadic M, Borgeat A, Min K:
Double epidural catheter for postoperative pain management in anterior scoliosis surgery: A prospective randomised study. Spine. 31 (15):1 646-1651 (2006)
46. Haefeli M, Elfering A, Kilian R, Min K, Boos N:
Non-operative treatment for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: A 10-60 year follow up. Spine 31(3): 355-66 (2006)
47. Min K, Waelchli B, Hahn F:
Pedicle screw instrumentation and primary thoracoplatic in thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Eur Spine J. 14(8): 777-782 (2005)
48. Blumenthal S, Min K, Nadic M, Borgeat A:
Double epidural catheter for postoperative pain treatment after idiopathic scoliosis surgery. A Prospective randomized study. Anesthesiology 102:175-80 (2005)
49. Mertz KD, Jost B, Glatzel M, Min K:
Progressive scoliosis in central core disease: Eur Spine J. 14 (9): 900-905 (2005)
50. Min K, Espinosa N, Bode B, Exner GU:
Total sacrectomy and reconstruction with massive allografts in primary fibrosarcoma of sacrum. JBJS 87-A (4): 64-9. (2005)
51. Hahn F, Zbinden R, Min K:
Late implant infections with Propiobacterium Acnes in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis surgery. Eur Spine J. 14(8): 783-788 (2005)
52. R Gaines, H Moller, K Min, D Marks:
Short segment anterior apical instrumentation for Scheuermann’s kyphosis, The Spine journal, Volume 3, Issue 5,165, 2003 DOI:
53. Hausmann O, Böni T, Pfirrmann CW, Curt A, Min K:
Preoperative radiological and electrophysiological evaluation in 100 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Eur Spine J. 12(5): 501-6 (2003)
54. Strahm C, Min K, Boos N, Ruetsch Y, Curt A:
Reliability of perioperative SSEP recordings in spinal surgery. Spinal Cord 41(9):483-9 (2003)
55. Hausmann O, Min K, Boni T, Erni T, Dietz V, Curt A:
SSEP analysis in surgery of idiopathic adolescent scoliosis: The influence of spine deformity and surgical approach. Eur Spine J. 12(2): 117-23 (2003)
56. Waelchli B, Min K, Cathrein P, Boos N:
Vertebral body compression fracture after removal of pedicle screws. Eur Spine J. 11(5): 504-6 (2002)
57. Böni T, Min K, Hefti F:
Idiopathische Skoliose und Scheuermann Kyphose. Orthopäde 31(1):11-25 (2002)
58. Ekatodramis G, Min K, Cathrine P, Borgeat A:
Use of double epidural catheter provide effective analgesia after spine deformity surgery. Can J Anasthesia 49(2): 173- 177 (2002)
59. Waelchi B, Min K, Hodler J, Boos N:
Percutane transpedikuläre Vertebroplastik. Schweiz Rundschau Med Prax. 91(6): 223-8 (2002)
60. Hausmann O, Min K, Boos N, Ruetsch YA, Erni T, Curt A:
Transcranial electrical stimulation: significance of fast versus low charge delivery for intraoperative monitoring in scoliosis surgery. Clinical Neurophysiology 113(10): 1532-5 (2002)
61. Boos N, Min K:
Vertebrectomy and spinal cord decompression. THE PEDIATRIC SPINE, Principles and Practice. Editor. Stuart L. Weinstein., 2nd edit, Chapter 18, 255-268 (2001), Raven Press, New York
62. Weisshaupt D, Zanetti M, Hodler J, Min K, Fuchs B, Pfirrmann CW, Boos N:
Painful Lumbar Disk Derangement: Relevance of Endplate Abnormalities at MR Imaging. Radiology 218(2): 420-7 (2001)
63. Borgeat A, Ruetsch YA, Cathrein P, Min K:
Postoperative pain control after lumbar spine fusion. Spine 23(17): 1923-4, Sept 1 (1998)
64. Bram J, Zanetti M, Min K, Hodler J:
MR Abnormalities of intervertebral disks and adjacent bone marrow as predictors of segmental instability of the lumbar spine. Acta Radiol. 39(1): 18-23 (1998)
65. Min K, Leu Hj, Perrenoud A:
Discography with manometry and discographic CT: their value in patient selection for percutaneous lumbar neucleotomy. Bull Hosp Jt Dis. 54(3): 153-7 (1996)
66. Min K, Leu Hj, Zweifel K:
Quantitative Determination of Ablation in weight of lumbar Discs with Ho:YAG laser. Lasers Surg Med. 18 (2): 87-190 (1996)
67. Exner GU, Min K, Malinin T, Schreiber A:
Rekonstruktion segmentaler Knochendefekte durch Allogräfte: Schweiz Rundschau Med Prax. 83 (11):300-7 (1994)
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