Dear patients and referring physicians!
A warm welcome!
Neurological problems concern the diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system.
A Good treatment requires good diagnosis beforehand. After my long-term cooperation with Prof. Min and paraplegic centre in Zurich, my focus is on the assessment of spinal diseases.
The specialization in neurophysiology is essential in exact localization of pathology and damage of the nerves or of spinal cord.
In addition to spinal pathologies, my area of competence also includes the diagnosis of all neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, polyneuropathy and other ailments of the nervous system.
I will take my time for your concerns and give you the opportunity to discuss the results extensively with me after the radiological and electrical nerve conduction investigations
I am at your disposal for further questions.
Gertraut Lindemann

Practices at
Grimm H, Mages P, Lindemann G, Potthoff M , Bohnet U, Linder R, Korom S.
Grimm H, Mages P, Lindemann G, Potthoff M , Bohnet U, Korom S, Ermert L. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. Mar 2000
Grimminger F, Grimm H, Führer D, Papavassilis C, Lindemann G, Blecher C, Mayer K, Tabesch F, Krämer HJ, Stevens J, Seeger W. Circulation. Jan 1996
Karsenty G, Reitz A, Lindemann G, Boy S, Schurch B. Urology. Dec 2006
Kopp MA, Druschel C, Meisel C, Liebscher T, Prilipp E, Watzlawick R, Cinelli P, Niedeggen A, Schaser KD, Wanner GA, Curt A, Lindemann G, Nugaeva N, Fehlings MG, Vajkoczy P, Cabraja M, Dengler J, Ertel W, Ekkernkamp A, Martus P, Volk HD, Unterwalder N, Kölsch U, Brommer B, Hellmann RC, Saidy RR, Laginha I, Prüss H, Failli V, Dirnagl U, Schwab JM1 BMCNeurol. Nov 2013